Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Sue Vivian, Lucille Fines, Karla Woodworth, Cheryl Kloczko, Elaine Hanscom, Donna Labbe, Brandy Grant, Kathleen Wilmes, Heather Kosmulski, Cindy Guerrini, Doreen Deary, Jan Sosnicki, Paul Vivian, Charlene Lee
Called to Order by Heather Kosmulski 12:40.
Minutes from last meeting were approved as printed.
Grants :
People Empowering People PEP Received $2300 from the CT NW Community Foundation to help run PEP classes, need to find funding for food or make alternate arrangements.
Tuesday June 16th Graduation date
Regional Grant - NW CT Community College Fall ’09 class is the last semester fully funded by grant, college hopes to institutionalize the class.
Committee Updates:
School Readiness- State grant paperwork completed. 4 hour curriculum training session to be done with local providers in Sept.
Public Awareness- Working on unveiling event in Sept.of Birth to 8 community plan, doing a short graphic display of results.
Parent Committee- August 7th set up date for Clothing Drive at the Amory. Event to be held August 8th 10am-2pm. Discussed crowd control.
Meeting Held with Congressman Murphy- Talked about his priorities in Washington, 0-5 agenda & reauthorization of head start funds. Aligned with our school readiness goals. AmericanReinvestmentRecoveryAct funds may be used for literacy and school readiness on a local level.
Meeting dates confirmed for the rest of the year.
Budget right on track.
Received $5K from city, will help to run PEP classes and pay for meeting costs.
Rotary Club funds were approved to create a publication for publicizing/summarizing Birth to 8 plan.
Birth through 8 Plan- Finance Strategy discussed. Example of maternal health used. Discussed local and private funding. Will continue to discuss under each area of the community plan.
Need to create a sustainability committee under TECC in the fall.
Meeting adjourned at 1:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom